by Sabrina Labis Winter Semsster 2024/25 The seminar Walls Have Feelings took us on a journey through Berlin’s architectural landscapes, uncovering the ways in which buildings shape not only our movement but also our thoughts, emotions, and societal structures. Inspired by Katherine Shonfield’s book Walls Have Feelings: Architecture, Film and …
The second seminar session of „More than green: Urban Ecology and Art" on 6 November 2024 we spent outside under Berlin's gray and cold sky, walking from Potsdamer Platz to Elise-Tilse-Park, across the pedestrian bridge over the Landwehrkanal and along the outdoor premises of the Technikmuseum into Gleisdreieckpark, and from …
As with every end of the summer semster, the students show their works at Rundgang. Medienhaus has opened its doors to welcome curators and curious guest. The classrooms are open to the public and each room exhibits the most recent works of the students, which they made over the course …
This seminar, which took place from June 24–28 in Venice, offered students a unique chance to explore and discuss the 60th Venice Biennale titled Stranieri Ovunque ("Foreigners Everywhere"), curated by Adriano Pedrosa.
My master student project >Bärenfrau: Wandlung von Identität und Selbstbild< is a media-artistic investigation of the determination of identity based on a national founding myth and the processes of identification with external influences in a multicultural society and the associated transformation and faceting of identity and has two objectives. Firstly, …
As with every end of the summer semster, the students show their works at Rundgang. Medienhaus has opened its doors to welcome curators and curious guest. The classrooms are open to the public and each room exhibits the most recent works of the students, which they made over the course …
Fang Nahweh: The Unreachable Years | 2023 Material | Kinect camera, monitors, computer Length | Loop In German Fernweh describes a feeling of desire to go to a faraway place, a desire toward the Fern. On the other hand, it also contains the meaning of escaping the desert of the …
Öskan Ertek Devil’s Rope barbed wire, turnbuckle, speaker, amplifier, MAX, arduino, microphone stand, For over a century, barbed wire has been utilized extensively to demarcate territorial boundaries and define spaces, such as fields, pastures, urban areas, factories, military barracks, and countries. “Devil’s Rope,” employs barbed wire as a medium to …
Juan Pablo Gaviria Juan Pablo Gaviria The voice, heard in chorus, recites a text about the straight sun, a solar event that happens in the tropics twice a year, disappearing the shadows of dazzled objects. Dilated eyes observe the actions of bodies that amplify digestion processes. The green plantain, metaphor …
Rundgang 2022 As with every end of the winter semster, the students show their works at Rundgang. Medienhaus has opened its doors to welcome curators and curious guest. The classrooms are open to the public and each room exhibits the most recent works of the students, which they made over …
Mercury Retrograde: energetic kinships and non-rational inquiry in the artistic process In the block seminar “Mercury Retrograde: energetic kinships and non-rational inquiry in the artistic process” the students attempted to observe reality as a “controlled hallucination” and embrace a type of knowledge that is immaterial, non-rational, and usually nondemonstrable with …
Seminar imparted by Nina Fisher and Curator Vanina Saracino in Sommer Semester 2022 at Floating University. The woman who flew into space from her apartment will unfold as a non-exhaustive survey of female perspectives on science fiction in literature, cinema, and visual arts, attempting to highlight the unique narratives of …
Screen City Biennial (SCB) Other Minds looks into the liminal states of consciousness that arise in the symbiotic relationship between the human mind and that of other living and non-living matter—including plants, bacteria, fungi, and technology. The project interrogates and challenges the notion of the human, embracing instead an idea …
Rundgang 2022 As with every end of the summer semster, the students show their works at Rundgang. Medienhaus has opened its doors to welcome curators and curious guest. The classrooms are open to the public and each room exhibits the most recent works of the students, which they made over …
Many thanks to Pedro Risse for last weeks workshop about body and space sensitivity at the Floating University site as part of the seminar “The woman who flew into space from her apartment: SF worldbuilding from a feminist perspective”, of Nina Fischer and Vanina Saracino What does what I do …
The seminar with Eiko Soga introduces an idea of animistic gestures as ecological practices. Soga first introduces her experiences and learnings through art projects engaging with an indigenous community in Hokkaido, Japan called the Ainu. The students are then invited to explore bodily understanding of non-human beings and discuss making …
SYMPOSIUM More-than-human perspectives and regenerative art practices toward climate justice A collaboration between Experimental Film and Media Art, Universität der Künste (UdK, Berlin) and the Climate Crisis Thinking Network, University of Oxford. 3–4 June 2022 Universität der Künste (UdK) Aula, Medienhaus, Grunewaldstr. 2–5, 10823 Berlin The venue is wheelchair accessible. …
A gimbal is a device to stabilize cameras with the help of inbuilt motors and sensors, to get fluid and smooth video footage while moving the camera through space. In this practical camera workshop we practiced the workflow of a filmshooting using a gimbal and smaller digital cameras: mounting and balancing the camera on …
Expanded Reality Worlds II Workshop, Kathrin Hunze Mit Expanded Reality (XR) ist ein Überbegriff gemeint der für Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) und Mixed Reality (MR) Technologien steht.In dem zweiten Teil dieses Seminars werden wir in Expanded Realities eintauchen und deren verschiedene Formen (VR, AR, MR) als künstlerische Ausdruckform …
MIZUTAMARI – the Puddle – Installation, Size: 2500×2000×2000, Material: Aluminium, Acryl, LED Under the theme of ‘Adventures in Perception’, she uses light and sound on material ‘phenomena’ such as gravity and water and everyday ‘products’ to discover ‘something’ that could not be seen in themselves, and creates works from a …
The exhibition Another Matter by the Experimental Film and Media Art Class, held at Acud Gallery in July 2021, explored new ways of relating to the more-than-human and inquired into the social, material, and aesthetic conditions of the so-called Anthropocene. The exhibited works examined matters of concern beyond anthropocentrism, following …
Another Matter Exhibition at ACUD The exhibition Another Matter explores new ways of relating to the more-than-human and inquires into the social, material, and aesthetic conditions of the so-called Anthropocene. The exhibited works examine matters of concern beyond anthropocentrism, following Donna Haraway’s call for tentacular thinking. As an aperture towards …
A DISTRESSING IMAGE AFTER A SUDDEN INTERRUPTION OF MOVEMENT: AN IMAGE OF TIME Mixed media installation, dimensions variable, 2021 Installation setup: Tereza Yakovyna Documentation: Oksana Meister and Dariia Kuzmych Distortions and disruptions of time perception may occur after sudden changes in the familiar continuity of everyday events. Personal, social or …
PANDEMONIUM 4-Channel video installation, 6:30 min, Size: variable, 2021 This four channel video installation is a visual conglomerate of the year 2020 and it‘s events. The shown footage is merged into a techno track that provokes each viewer to live through the incidences that by now have become part of …
Jenna Sutela works with words, sounds, and other living media, such as Bacillus subtilis nattō bacteria and the “many-headed” slime mold Physarum polycephalum. Her audiovisual pieces, sculptures, and performances seek to identify and react to precarious social and material moments, often in relation to technology. Sutela's work has been presented …
Interview with Climate Impact Researcher Chen Chris Gong in conversation with UdK Class Experimental Film and Media Art Last year in the beginning of corona`s Lockdown we started a year of digital encounters. We met various scientists, artists and experts which inspired us to look at our surroundings in a more sensed way. During …
Meadow of carnivore plants, 2021 Mixed media, two-channel installation, 10 min loop, 85 × 55 × 165 cm Sound in collaboration with Lukas Mogwitz, voice by Josie Haar, sound technical assistance by Simon Schötz Venus flytrap [Dionaea muscipula]: carnivorous, rhizome-forming, grows in nutrient-poor soil, depends on periodic natural fires every …
Within TOP Lab’s activities, Alessandro Volpato hosted a seminar for UdK students at the Medienhaus, training them to produce vegan materials based on fungal composite materials in a self organised laboratory. Goal of the seminar was to experiment with climate-neutral, artistic strategies and get familiar with futuristic approaches to produce commodities. Mushrooms are cultivated …
On our Instagram account we share current projects, insights into our seminars, as well as discussions with different Artists and Scientists. We are focusing on New Forms of Research in the field, Art in the age of climate change. Follow us on current_situation_udk on Instagram.
Interview with Artist Eiko Soga and Historian Amanda Power in conversation with UdK Class Experimental Film and Media Art Our speaker today is Eiko Soga in conversation with the experimental Film and Media Art class at the University of the Arts. In this three part series we showcase research projects …
Lecture Performance, after visiting the exhibition “Ocean Dwellers” in the Nordic embassies in Berlin. Nov 2019 Juan Pablo Gaviria, Jieun, Jan Matýsek, Lisa Rein, Lisa Maria Steppacher Text and Voice Over; Juan Pablo Gaviria Die Lehre vom chemischen Stoff besagt, dass die Substanz eine besondere Art der homogenen Materie ist, aufgrund ihrer festen und definierten Zusammensetzung. …
DESTROY ME BABY ONE MORE TIME 2020 2-Channel video installation, 35min, Size: variable This video piece illustrates an alternative view onto pop culture and terrorism. How come that both of these categories solely live from the screen time they get on todays media? Britney Spears and Osama Bin Laden serve as …
Marina Höxter Graduation Project The shape of an island, 2020 Υδρέα (Hydrea). Super-8 film loop, colour, silent, 4′ 16”, (2019) Fallen citrus. Pigment print on paper, 75 x 112 cm Scattered debris, Hydronetta. Pigment print on paper, 75 x 112 cm Moni Profitou Iliou. Pigment print on paper, 75 x …
Eine Demonstration für die Künste. In einem Kreis mit einem Durchmesser von 2020 Metern um den UdK-Standort Hardenbergstraße 33 werden über einen Zeitraum von 24 Stunden künstlerische Begegnungen und Interventionen zwischen Künstler*innen der UdK Berlin und den Berliner*innen stattfinden. Im Rahmen dieser Aktion zeigen am Do 16. Juli ab 21.45 Uhr Studierende …
Auf der Website des Instituts ist eine Liste mit offen, zugänglichen Datenbanken und Archiven zusammengestellt. Viele Anmelde- und Bezahlschranken sind angesichts der Schließung der Bibliotheken aufgehoben worden. Das ist ein gutes Zeichen für Open Science.
Dr. Marjan Sharifi How do we model normality? What does it mean to be mentally ill – to have a “false belief” of the world? During this seminar we will explore the concept of madness through the narratives of culture, and technology. In conjunction, we will consider and question …
Dovilė Aleksaitė Graduation Project Let’s talk about the weather (2019) Single channel video installation, 12:07 min, loop A video explores a desire to control one’s surrounding environment and predict the future. A fictional weather forecast introduces the viewer through a succesion of weather events—rain, wind or growth of grass—and different …
Singularis, still SS 2019 Graduation Project The audiovisual performance ‘Singularis’ deals with biological and information technology granular processes in the social context. We undergo unconscious or conscious self-control through Quantified Self management and evolve into improved, elevated people. This process can be described as a singularization of man. Singularis is …
Ode und Ich untersucht die Macht der Inszenierung, der Kontrolle und den Körper als kritische Masse. In der Installation wird unser Begehren nach Perfektionierung, Idealen und Körperkult aufgegriffen. Es werden durch Demontage, Überspitzung, Verfremdung und Überlagerung stereotypische Repräsentationen hinterfragt und die Vereinheitlichung unseres Individualisierungszwangs beleuchtet. Ode and I examines the …
Graduation Project KuM, 2017 Sabrina Labis A Personal Color Correction (2017) Experimental Video, 05:22 min The video ‘A Personal Color Correction’ deals with different aspects of color in film and the transformation from analog to digital techniques of color correction. The work specifically focuses on the role of women in …
After the visit of LaborBerlin (, analog film collective organisation, the class did a short 16 mm film production workshop at the UdK.
Am 29.11.2016 machte sich die Klasse Experimenteller Film / Medienkunst auf den Weg zu einer zweitägigen Exkursion nach Düsseldorf. Erstes Ziel war die Julia Stoschek Collection in der Schanzenstraße. Seit 2007 existiert die Sammlung für zeitbasierte Medienkunst in Düsseldorf. In Ergänzung zum Düsseldorfer Standort wurde 2016 auch eine Dependance in Berlin eröffnet. Wir wurden durch die …
The Circle, the Triangle, the Rectangle and the Crossing is an attempt to decompose the stereoscopic image into its essential parts, in an analogue way, without its aura of being spearhead technology. Six projectors in a triangular structure create one single image in a screen in front of them: A …
Fachklasse Experimentelller Film / Medienkunst Der Fokus des SS 2016 war Migration and New Communities. dazu gab es 2 Programme: 1. Common Ground – Migration and New Communities Seminar von Lilli Kuschel 2. Studienreise nach Sauen: 17.-19.2016 Prof. Nina Fischer, Lilli Kuschel Migration and New Communities Studienreise für Studierende der …
ICH STUDIERE KUNST. – WAS MALST DU? 2-Kanal Video-Installation, HD, 2016, Loop, Ton Die Arbeit ICH STUDIERE KUNST. – WAS MALST DU? von Anna Maysuk ist ein ironisches Kommentar dazu, wie man heutzutage immer noch das Kunststudium wahrnimmt. Das vor 360 Jahren gemalte Werk „Las Meninas“ von Diego Velazquez gehört …