Interview with Climate Impact Researcher Chen Chris Gong in conversation with UdK Class Experimental Film and Media Art
Last year in the beginning of corona`s Lockdown we started a year of digital encounters. We met various scientists, artists and experts which inspired us to look at our surroundings in a more sensed way. During the Seminar “New forms of research” which was conceived by Christina Landbrecht and Prof. Nina Fischer we focused on what the shutdown has done to our perception of time and space. And together we tried to understand what role of the artist could be at this moment.
Art Historian Christina Landbrecht has been Head of Art at the Berlin Ernst Schering Foundation since 2018. She is currently doing her doctorate at Humboldt University on the topic of “Potential and Problem of Artistic Research” and is thus investigating the influence of the natural sciences on contemporary art.
One of the experts we interview was physicist Chen Chris Gong, who currently holds a postdoc position at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. (PIK) The discussion with her was very eye widening. Starting from analysing the situation and the effect that the Lockdown had on the climate crises the discussion developed further to answer question such as:
Has the Lockdown an attainable effect on the climate crisis?
To reach the 1.5 degree warming target, we have to do a lock down every 2 years or 15 lock downs in a row?
What is the role of the Institute for „Climate impact research“ and how it influences German politics?