
Oxford-UdK Berlin Partnership in Arts and Humanities Podcast

Interview with Artist Eiko Soga and Historian Amanda Power in conversation with UdK Class Experimental Film and Media Art Our speaker today is Eiko Soga in conversation with the experimental Film and Media Art class at the University of the Arts. In this three part series we showcase research projects

See you in 2021!

♥ We wish you a relaxing time and stay healthy! all the best –  the experimental film and media art class

| Lecture performance “Ocean Dwellers” |

Lecture Performance, after visiting the exhibition “Ocean Dwellers” in the Nordic embassies in Berlin. Nov 2019 Juan Pablo Gaviria, Jieun, Jan Matýsek, Lisa Rein, Lisa Maria Steppacher Text and Voice Over; Juan Pablo Gaviria Die Lehre vom chemischen Stoff besagt, dass die Substanz eine besondere Art der homogenen Materie ist, aufgrund ihrer festen und definierten Zusammensetzung.

Anan Yoon Lee Graduation Project

High Dynamic Range Planetary Rendering 2 channel video installation 13:17 2020 “High Dynamic Range Planetary Rendering” is a compilation video of the gazing ball, which situated in various times and spots through the history. These spheres became so widely used in so many settings, these pretty, all-round utility ornament acquired

Nik Mantilla Graduation Project

DESTROY ME BABY ONE MORE TIME 2020 2-Channel video installation, 35min, Size: variable This video piece illustrates an alternative view onto pop culture and terrorism. How come that both of these categories solely live from the screen time they get on todays media? Britney Spears and Osama Bin Laden serve as

Dariia Kuzmych Graduation Project

YOUR RENTAL CONTRACT HAS BEEN TERMINATED 2020 Multimedia spatial installation Sound design by Heinali and Alexey Shmurak (Kyiv, Ukraine) Documentation by Victoria Pidust «Your rental contract has been terminated» is a spatial installation, in which different fragments of temporary living spaces compose a hybrid structure of being-home. Sunbeams on the wall,

Kathrin Hunze Master Project

  “Training your best Friend: A character test” 2020 2 Channel, 8:16 min, loop, Videoinstallation In the work “Training your best Friend: A character test ” the co-evolutionary relationship between human and machine is examined. Whether there is a co-evolutionary process between human and machine, and how a co-evolution between

Mengxuan Sun Master Project

Tiān Yá Gòng Cǐ Shí — “ we share this moment together ”  2020 VR, interactive website Is a short sentence from an ancient Chinese poem. The original text is “ 海 上升明月,天涯共此时” As the bright moon shines over the sea, from far away you share this moment with me. (“TIAN

Hana Yoo Graduation Project

Splendour in the glass 4K, color, stereo, 17:17min. 2020 The project started with an article published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia under the title ‘VR test for cows on farms near Moscow’, which describes an experiment conducted to cattle in a dairy farm, showing a virtual