
Common Ground – Places of Community

In this seminar by Lilli Kuschel and class excursion to Sauen art and film students from the UdK worked together with refugees from similar backgrounds to produce an interactive collaborative film. The theme of the workshop was Community, with an emphasis on urban spaces where new forms of community are

Migration and New Communities

Fachklasse Experimentelller Film / Medienkunst Der Fokus des SS 2016 war Migration and New Communities. dazu gab es 2 Programme: 1. Common Ground – Migration and New Communities Seminar von Lilli Kuschel 2. Studienreise nach Sauen: 17.-19.2016 Prof. Nina Fischer, Lilli Kuschel Migration and New Communities Studienreise für Studierende der

DEMO:POLIS – The Right to Public Space

DEMO:POLIS ◄ Back Next ► Picture 1 of 2 The Carpark DEMO:POLIS – The Right to Public Space exhibition took place at Academy of Arts (Akademie der Künste) 12 March until 29 May, 2016. Students from the class Experimental Film / Media art UdK together with students from TUB Berlin

Anna Maysuk Graduation Project

ICH STUDIERE KUNST. – WAS MALST DU? 2-Kanal Video-Installation, HD, 2016, Loop, Ton Die Arbeit ICH STUDIERE KUNST. – WAS MALST DU? von Anna Maysuk ist ein ironisches Kommentar dazu, wie man heutzutage immer noch das Kunststudium wahrnimmt. Das vor 360 Jahren gemalte Werk „Las Meninas“ von Diego Velazquez gehört

Graduation project from Eleanor Jones

Eleanor Jones AI in Arcadia, 2016 This was a two-part work presented in a performance lecture and a double screen video installation. The performance lecture addresses the vulnerability of the artist’s body and the performance of proving one’s “body of work” to the judge of an audience, in this case