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Creating madness: mind, machine and culture
Dr. Marjan Sharifi How do we model normality? What does it mean to be mentally ill – to have a “false belief” of the world? During this seminar we will explore the concept of madness through the narratives of culture, and technology. In conjunction, we will consider and question …
Dovilė Aleksaitė Graduation Project
Dovilė Aleksaitė Graduation Project Let’s talk about the weather (2019) Single channel video installation, 12:07 min, loop A video explores a desire to control one’s surrounding environment and predict the future. A fictional weather forecast introduces the viewer through a succesion of weather events—rain, wind or growth of grass—and different …
documenta in Kassel
After visiting its Greek counterpart in May, we went to see the Documenta in Kassel from June 27th to 29th 2017. According to the exhibition guide, the artists exposed in the Neue Neue Galerie, one of the main venues located in a former post office and mail distribution center, work …
PLAY! Neue Arbeiten aus dem Studiengang Kunst und Medien, Volksbühne
Am 16. Januar 2017 präsentierte der Studiengang Kunst und Medien, Universität der Künste Berlin, audiovisuelle Performances, Film- und Videoarbeiten, Installationen und Objekte in der Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. PLAY! Neue Arbeiten aus dem Studiengang Kunst und Medien Die Lehre in Kunst und Medien findet im Spannungsfeld zwischen künstlerischem Experiment, Forschung und der …
The Circle, the Triangle, the Rectangle and the Crossing
The Circle, the Triangle, the Rectangle and the Crossing is an attempt to decompose the stereoscopic image into its essential parts, in an analogue way, without its aura of being spearhead technology. Six projectors in a triangular structure create one single image in a screen in front of them: A …
Anna Maysuk Graduation Project
ICH STUDIERE KUNST. – WAS MALST DU? 2-Kanal Video-Installation, HD, 2016, Loop, Ton Die Arbeit ICH STUDIERE KUNST. – WAS MALST DU? von Anna Maysuk ist ein ironisches Kommentar dazu, wie man heutzutage immer noch das Kunststudium wahrnimmt. Das vor 360 Jahren gemalte Werk „Las Meninas“ von Diego Velazquez gehört …