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Archive, Bibliotheken, Datenbank im open access

Auf der Website des Instituts ist eine Liste mit offen, zugänglichen Datenbanken und Archiven zusammengestellt. Viele Anmelde- und Bezahlschranken sind angesichts der Schließung der Bibliotheken aufgehoben worden. Das ist ein gutes Zeichen für Open Science. https://www.udk-berlin.de/universitaet/fakultaet-gestaltung/institute/institut-fuer-geschichte-und-theorie-der-gestaltung/sommersemester-2019/  


STRANGE THINGS is an exhibition from classes of Generative Art (Alberto de Campo), Experimental Film/Media Art (Nina Fischer), Narrative Film (Thomas Arslan), Moving Image (Anna Anders) and New Media (Joachim Sauter) VERNISSAGE: 8.1.2020, Ab 18 Uhr AUSSTELLUNGSDAUER: 8.1. bis 10.1.2020 ORT: Silent green, Gerichtstr. 35, 13347 Berlin ÖFFNUNGSZEITEN Mittwoch, 8.1. , 18 –

Creating madness: mind, machine and culture

  Dr. Marjan Sharifi How do we model normality? What does it mean to be mentally ill – to have a “false belief” of the world? During this seminar we will explore the concept of madness through the narratives of culture, and technology. In conjunction, we will consider and question

Methexis : On Site–Sensitivity and Its Entanglements I

With Marina Fokidis Within two weeks end of November, we were discussing with the curator Marina Fokidis different concepts that are related to the term Methexis. Methexis (from Ancient Greek) can be translated as „the unaccountable“. The term describes a form of theatre in which the audience participates and improvises, as

Dovilė Aleksaitė Graduation Project

Dovilė Aleksaitė Graduation Project Let’s talk about the weather (2019) Single channel video installation, 12:07 min, loop A video explores a desire to control one’s surrounding environment and predict the future. A fictional weather forecast introduces the viewer through a succesion of weather events—rain, wind or growth of grass—and different

Ding! * Mengxuan Sun

Ding! * Mengxuan Sun Audiovisual Live Performance SS 2019 Graduation Project The growing visual language of digital technology and the Internet in the physical world has created an endless landscape. In addition to the landscape, the relationship changed by the network provide people a shared utopian vision. Everything can be