A gimbal is a device to stabilize cameras with the help of inbuilt motors and sensors, to get fluid and smooth video footage while moving the camera through space. In this practical camera workshop we practiced the workflow of a filmshooting using a gimbal and smaller digital cameras: mounting and balancing the camera on the gimbal, focussing while moving and recording, modes and settings of the the gimbal and remote controlling the gimbal. We practiced different types of camera movements like dollying, tracking, trucking, pushing in and pulling out or the 360 degree ark shot and explore their different effects. We have worked with the Zhiyun Weebill S and smaller digital cameras like the Sony Alpha 7S or the Panasonic GH5.
Test-Shot by Cemre Bayatlier
Test-Shot by Cemre Bayatlier
Test-Shot by Nerya Shotat
Test-Shot by Nerya Shohat
Test-Shot by Lisa Maria Steppacher
Test-Shot by Lisa Maria Steppacher
Test-Shot by Nerya Shohat
Test-Shot by Mohammed AL Balushi